Rally number 2.
You probably saw this on the news last night or in the newspapers. Reclaim Australia together with the United Patriots Front decided to stage another rally. No Room for Racism organised a counter rally. This time there were over 400 police and barricades keeping the two groups apart. What you will have seen or heard on the news is the fights and pepper spray. What they won't show you is the other side to the day.
So here's my story.
In the days leading up to the rally I had gotten scared. I'd heard stories about the Nazis posting footage on youtube showing a guy in Spain getting stabbed and dying on a train platform. There was commentary from an Australian guy saying how great it is to watch leftie scum die. I had heard that people were threatening to bring weapons to the rally. After witnessing their wrath and hate last time, I did not consider this out of the realm of possibility. I didn't sleep well the night before.
Peter and I arrived early. There was already a group of a few hundred anti-racism protesters. Someone bounded up to us and offered us placards to waive. How brilliant! I chose the classic 'Hey Racists. Go Home' while Peter went for 'Nazis off our streets'. There were tons of banners, including one with the words 'Never again' and a swastika crossed out. And I guess this sums it all up for me. Didn't people learn last time? If this was the battle line, I knew which side I wanted to be on.
The crowd grew and I looked around. There were people of all ages. Many elderly and also many young kids. You won't see them on the news. Protesting pensioners don't make for salacious prime time viewing. There was also a larger showing of Muslims. I saw young women walking around with clipboards and high viz tape with 'legal observer' written on them. The Melbourne Street Medics were there and many people acting as marshals. Tons of people were also there with cameras recording everything. It seemed really well organised and people's well being was paramount.
A marshal asked if we could go and help form a line at the back, towards a barricade lined with police. All I could see were police. Everywhere. I was happy to be wherever the organisers needed me. Peter stood next to a young muslim guy, who shot us a wide smile. He asked Peter if he could take a photo of him holding up his 'Not yours to reclaim' sign. I spoke to him later after he'd been interviewed by the ABC. I asked if he was going to be on the telly. He smiled shyly and said his friend might, but his english wasn't very good. I said it sounded fine to me. He said people's problem is that they needed to talk to sort this out. I said the problem was in a conversation it's just as important to listen as well as talk. And noone in the racist camp would want to listen. He nodded, 'yes, listening is important'. I held his sign as he raced off to take more photos. Next to me was a guy who'd never been to a rally before. We chatted and wondered how society had gotten here. As the crowd swelled, all of a sudden behind us we saw the UPF arrive and be escorted by police across the steps of Parliament to join the Reclaim Australia group. We were carolled at the top of Bourke street with a whole intersection between us and the racists.
Seconds later we turn around again and see that most of the anti-racism group marching down the street. A marshall informed us that a decision was made to get closer to the other protest. He urged us to stay and hold our line. So we did. As it turned out there were over 3000 people saying no to racism, and less than 200 people from Reclaim Australian and UPF combined. We may have been away from the action, but periodically small groups of racists came towards us. We all linked arms and held our line. These thugs wandered right up in the faces of the front line, trying to intimidate us. They shouted abuse, gave nazi salutes and tried to goad us. We yelled back but held our line. I think this sums up everything. We had a barricade behind us and police. There was no way for the racists to get though. They simply came to try to provoke us, and intimidate us. We didn't bite. We yelled and I have to say the thing I love about holding the line is the humour of the people. We laughed as people mocked the racists. We chanted and clung tight in a show of community. I had a group of young punks next to me and we all joked around in between the visits from different racists trying to start fights.
There was an older woman standing behind our line. She had not drawn breath for about an hour. Not only was she engaged in a philosophical discussion with a couple of people, but she was also arguing with us all. Her stance was that in a democracy everyone had the right to an opinion and free speech. Peter asked her why she was here. She then accused him of being a rent-a-crowd placard waiver. We laughed and others rolled their eyes at her. She may have preferred the free speech stance but I argue that there is a difference between free speech and hate speech. Thinking back now, I wish I'd asked her what she was doing here, safely behind a line of people taking a stand against racism. If she wanted to discuss her views on free speech, the real philosophical challenge for her would have been to go and stand amongst the racists and see if she felt the same. Seeing them close up terrified me at the last rally.
All the action happened around the corner. After about an hour the UPF were again escorted across parliament by police. We jeered as they flipped the bird and yelled at us. A guys near us yelled out 'Say hi to your Mum for me' and we laughed. Then someone started the chant 'Please don't breed'. With wicked joy in my heart I yelled this out and laughed. Yes, for all our sakes, please don't breed! We talked to more wonderful people and water bottles and trail mix were offered between the group. Then we heard a roar. The main protest group arrived back. They were cheering victorious and we cheered them home. Many of them showed signs of pepper spray all over their clothes and red swollen faces. A new cheer went up 'You'll always lose in Melbourne'. It's moments like this that I love this community. Diverse. Multicultural. Witty. Caring.
We listened to a couple of speeches, including a muslim leader who quoted Nelson Mandela:
'No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite'. I got a lump in my throat. Under my jacket, pinned to my top was a brooch that simply said 'Love'.
We do have a choice in how we live our lives and I've said before that I am firmly and steadfastly on the side of love and inclusion. Seizing that moment I ran through the crowd. I walked up to a 6 foot 3 bearded guy wearing an anarchist tshirt. He had a shaved head and a grey beard. He was cuddling up to his partner. I explained that I had held the line today a bit further down from them, and that seeing his presence made me feel safe. They both beamed and laughed. She explained that he knew karate so was handy to know. I said I was definitely seeking them out at the next rally. We all smiled and I said thank you to them and rejoined Peter.
The rally coordinators told us that some of the racists had been spotted around the surrounding streets. So, for safety they wanted everyone to leave together. We walked down Bourke street and a huge group of us walked all the way to Melbourne Central station so people could get the train or trams together. In my head was the chant 'Who's streets? Our streets!'
So that was my rally. I talked to interesting and entertaining people. I smiled through the crowd to others holding the line as we all watched out for each other. There were tense moments and also a despairing at the hatred and racism that walked on our streets. But as I walked down Bourke street, chatting to a guy with face tattoos, I realised how important it is to get to know people. Talk to them, understand them, listen and talk...and love.
One of the young punks had a great quote on his jacket. 'The heart is a muscle the size of your fist. Keep loving. Keep fighting'. I promise I will.
You probably saw this on the news last night or in the newspapers. Reclaim Australia together with the United Patriots Front decided to stage another rally. No Room for Racism organised a counter rally. This time there were over 400 police and barricades keeping the two groups apart. What you will have seen or heard on the news is the fights and pepper spray. What they won't show you is the other side to the day.
So here's my story.
In the days leading up to the rally I had gotten scared. I'd heard stories about the Nazis posting footage on youtube showing a guy in Spain getting stabbed and dying on a train platform. There was commentary from an Australian guy saying how great it is to watch leftie scum die. I had heard that people were threatening to bring weapons to the rally. After witnessing their wrath and hate last time, I did not consider this out of the realm of possibility. I didn't sleep well the night before.
Peter and I arrived early. There was already a group of a few hundred anti-racism protesters. Someone bounded up to us and offered us placards to waive. How brilliant! I chose the classic 'Hey Racists. Go Home' while Peter went for 'Nazis off our streets'. There were tons of banners, including one with the words 'Never again' and a swastika crossed out. And I guess this sums it all up for me. Didn't people learn last time? If this was the battle line, I knew which side I wanted to be on.
The crowd grew and I looked around. There were people of all ages. Many elderly and also many young kids. You won't see them on the news. Protesting pensioners don't make for salacious prime time viewing. There was also a larger showing of Muslims. I saw young women walking around with clipboards and high viz tape with 'legal observer' written on them. The Melbourne Street Medics were there and many people acting as marshals. Tons of people were also there with cameras recording everything. It seemed really well organised and people's well being was paramount.
A marshal asked if we could go and help form a line at the back, towards a barricade lined with police. All I could see were police. Everywhere. I was happy to be wherever the organisers needed me. Peter stood next to a young muslim guy, who shot us a wide smile. He asked Peter if he could take a photo of him holding up his 'Not yours to reclaim' sign. I spoke to him later after he'd been interviewed by the ABC. I asked if he was going to be on the telly. He smiled shyly and said his friend might, but his english wasn't very good. I said it sounded fine to me. He said people's problem is that they needed to talk to sort this out. I said the problem was in a conversation it's just as important to listen as well as talk. And noone in the racist camp would want to listen. He nodded, 'yes, listening is important'. I held his sign as he raced off to take more photos. Next to me was a guy who'd never been to a rally before. We chatted and wondered how society had gotten here. As the crowd swelled, all of a sudden behind us we saw the UPF arrive and be escorted by police across the steps of Parliament to join the Reclaim Australia group. We were carolled at the top of Bourke street with a whole intersection between us and the racists.
Seconds later we turn around again and see that most of the anti-racism group marching down the street. A marshall informed us that a decision was made to get closer to the other protest. He urged us to stay and hold our line. So we did. As it turned out there were over 3000 people saying no to racism, and less than 200 people from Reclaim Australian and UPF combined. We may have been away from the action, but periodically small groups of racists came towards us. We all linked arms and held our line. These thugs wandered right up in the faces of the front line, trying to intimidate us. They shouted abuse, gave nazi salutes and tried to goad us. We yelled back but held our line. I think this sums up everything. We had a barricade behind us and police. There was no way for the racists to get though. They simply came to try to provoke us, and intimidate us. We didn't bite. We yelled and I have to say the thing I love about holding the line is the humour of the people. We laughed as people mocked the racists. We chanted and clung tight in a show of community. I had a group of young punks next to me and we all joked around in between the visits from different racists trying to start fights.
There was an older woman standing behind our line. She had not drawn breath for about an hour. Not only was she engaged in a philosophical discussion with a couple of people, but she was also arguing with us all. Her stance was that in a democracy everyone had the right to an opinion and free speech. Peter asked her why she was here. She then accused him of being a rent-a-crowd placard waiver. We laughed and others rolled their eyes at her. She may have preferred the free speech stance but I argue that there is a difference between free speech and hate speech. Thinking back now, I wish I'd asked her what she was doing here, safely behind a line of people taking a stand against racism. If she wanted to discuss her views on free speech, the real philosophical challenge for her would have been to go and stand amongst the racists and see if she felt the same. Seeing them close up terrified me at the last rally.
All the action happened around the corner. After about an hour the UPF were again escorted across parliament by police. We jeered as they flipped the bird and yelled at us. A guys near us yelled out 'Say hi to your Mum for me' and we laughed. Then someone started the chant 'Please don't breed'. With wicked joy in my heart I yelled this out and laughed. Yes, for all our sakes, please don't breed! We talked to more wonderful people and water bottles and trail mix were offered between the group. Then we heard a roar. The main protest group arrived back. They were cheering victorious and we cheered them home. Many of them showed signs of pepper spray all over their clothes and red swollen faces. A new cheer went up 'You'll always lose in Melbourne'. It's moments like this that I love this community. Diverse. Multicultural. Witty. Caring.
We listened to a couple of speeches, including a muslim leader who quoted Nelson Mandela:
'No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite'. I got a lump in my throat. Under my jacket, pinned to my top was a brooch that simply said 'Love'.
We do have a choice in how we live our lives and I've said before that I am firmly and steadfastly on the side of love and inclusion. Seizing that moment I ran through the crowd. I walked up to a 6 foot 3 bearded guy wearing an anarchist tshirt. He had a shaved head and a grey beard. He was cuddling up to his partner. I explained that I had held the line today a bit further down from them, and that seeing his presence made me feel safe. They both beamed and laughed. She explained that he knew karate so was handy to know. I said I was definitely seeking them out at the next rally. We all smiled and I said thank you to them and rejoined Peter.
The rally coordinators told us that some of the racists had been spotted around the surrounding streets. So, for safety they wanted everyone to leave together. We walked down Bourke street and a huge group of us walked all the way to Melbourne Central station so people could get the train or trams together. In my head was the chant 'Who's streets? Our streets!'
So that was my rally. I talked to interesting and entertaining people. I smiled through the crowd to others holding the line as we all watched out for each other. There were tense moments and also a despairing at the hatred and racism that walked on our streets. But as I walked down Bourke street, chatting to a guy with face tattoos, I realised how important it is to get to know people. Talk to them, understand them, listen and talk...and love.
One of the young punks had a great quote on his jacket. 'The heart is a muscle the size of your fist. Keep loving. Keep fighting'. I promise I will.